When life gives you lemons make lemonade

 When life gives you lemons, it’s time to make some lemonade. If anyone’s ever had this happen to them, I feel your pain. If not take some steps and precautions, so it doesn’t happen to you.  While I was getting ready for work this morning. Peter came in to the bathroom and told me that some really bad news. It seems someone left the meat deep freezer open and it defrosted a lot of the meat inside.  So unfortunately, I spent my morning. Throwing out everything that was not salvageable. Starting to cook stuff that needed to be cooked right away. And re-freezing items that could be refrozen.

After looking on the USDA website, I was surprised to learn that you can re-freeze a lot of thawed meats. Which growing up I never thought you could refreeze meat. I was worried about all the pork that had defrosted. So that went into my roasting pan. We’re going to cook all that up, then divide it up after it’s cooled off and refreeze the cooked meat.   Which will help 2-fold, because then we will have some cooked meat for quick dinners. My freezer is already defrosted for the season. And I get to re-organize the freezer. So again, if this happens to you… Don’t lose your shit… It’ll all turn out OK. You always have to look at the bright side of life. I’m going to buy internal freezer alarms that will ping my phone if the temperature gets too high.

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