Still Cleaning up

 The Garden is looking better.  It still may take a few weeks to see what was actually lost/damaged in the storm.  But things are starting to look up.  My greenhouse took the biggest beating.  I’m still going to try to fix it to get me by for now.  Talk about added stress when I walked out after the storm seeing all of my beautiful, gorgeous, tomato plants almost flat up against the fence was horrible for me. But on the brighter side as I took a tour last night while I was watering, I do see growth they are starting to stand back up. I was trying to pull off any broken or damaged branches as I saw them. And we’ll see where this takes us.   It’s sad to know how quickly mother nature can take away all your hard work. But after the storm passes, it’s amazing to watch her rebuild what she’s taken out.

Homesteading is what you make of it.  You can start small and grow it as your knowledge grows. but it's yours to make anyway you want to.  We are in this together, don't get frustrated when life throws you a curve ball.  Don't give up on what brings you peace and joy.   

You can catch all our cooking, gardening and homesteading videos that will be launching soon on our  YouTube Channel: Stoned Gnome Homestead

Find us on Facebook: Danielle Ragozzine: Stoned Gnome Homestead

Our You Tube channel: Stoned Gnome Homestead

Instagram: stoned_gnome_homestead.  


Blogger: Stoned Gnome Homestead


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