Harvest 2023

 Harvest season 2023

Harvest season is in full bloom now.  We have been canning, preserving and cooking as much as we can.  This time of year is extremely hectic on the Homestead. But the rewards of homegrown, homemade food are all worth it. Gardening can be tricky. I’m not gonna lie. It takes a lot of faith, hope and love to get things to grow. You plant a seed and hope for the best. And the universe blesses you with an over abundance of goodness that you’ve seen grow from nothing to something that will feed your family throughout the year.

Gardening is not only an investment in money. But your time and energy also radiate through the whole process. But in the long run, you’re actually spending less money to grow your own food then what you would pay in a grocery store. And the health benefits of growing your food is that it’s more nutritious than anything you can get in a grocery store. You know everything that’s coming in contact with your food.  Everything that’s been put on that food through that seeds whole lifecycle.  You control all aspects of growing it.  It’s nice when it’s winding down to look at everything on your shelves, everything in your freezer, and the happy faces of full bellies from your family.    This is a journey we’re taking together. We’ve had our ups and downs this season. But I wouldn’t change it for the world. Thank you for supporting us will be doing a lot of cooking and recipe testing through the winter on our YouTube channel: Stoned Gnome Homestead.  So come check it out and I hope you enjoy everything we have planned as we move forward.

Much love, Danielle ❤️


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